Non-profits and NGOs

Only organizations that don't stand to make a profit are permitted to submit a petition to Modern Action.

Expand donor base

Online advocacy initiatives are a dependable way to strengthen an individual's commitment to a cause and organization.

People who take an online action on behalf of a nonprofit are up to seven times more likely to donate
Our email campaigns are an undemanding and reliable way to consistently create a call to action
Online initiatives are a dynamic way to showcase the good work your organization is doing

Connect with supporters

Grow your active supporters by focusing on building relationships

Get your cause and organization discovered by a target audience
Supporters take part in the work you do instead of only hearing about it
Every cause is easily sharable, boosting your organizations profile outside of Modern Action

Real impact

Modern Action is a pilot for bringing effective change

Our methods are based on research determining the most effective ways to create change through online action
Advocating on behalf of an organization carries more impact than advocating independently
Letters calling for action are sent directly to people with the power to make change

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